I Failed

I watched you lie there
There was nothing I could do

I watched you slowly melt away
There was nothing I could do

I watched you be looked at and watched
There was nothing I could do

I watched you be tested
There was nothing I could do

I watched the tubes be removed
There was nothing I could do

I watched the family crumble
There was nothing I could do

I watched you slip off to eternal sleep
There was nothing I could do

I watched them take you away from me
There was nothing I could do

I watched the false and phony words from people who treated you poorly
There was nothing I could do

I watched them come and go with a smile and a laugh
There was nothing I could do.

I failed you
I failed you and I’m sorry
I failed you and I’m sorry and I can’t look at them
I failed you and I’m sorry and I can’t look at them and I’m angry
I failed you and I’m sorry and I can’t look at them and I’m angry and I want you back
I failed you and I’m sorry and I can’t look at them and I’m angry and I want you back and I miss you
I failed you and I’m sorry and I can’t look at them and I’m angry and I want you back and I miss you and I miss them

I failed you
I’m sorry

I miss you and want you back – I love you.