Interview with Kim Founder of PocketPridePlus

Today Scribblers I’m thrilled to have someone I’ve been fond of for quite some time, and have only recently gotten to know more personally. Kim Crawford (aka Mama Kim). Kim is the founder of PocketPridePlus and a Contributor for the amazing Podcast GayTalk 2.0 run by Tom and his co-Hosts Nick and Chris (learn more about GayTalk 2.0 here). Without further ado let’s get to know the amazing Mama Kim.

Welcome Kim, I always ask my guests to share something not in their bio, which we have at the bottom of this interview. So, tell us something new, by way of an introduction.

My youngest son is gay which has led me to where I am today. I have always been a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, but his coming out took my support to a whole new level.

As a mother of a gay son, why do you think it’s so important for young people to have the love and support of their families? Not everyone is as accepting as you and your husband. If you don’t mind, can you share with us that part of your story?

I have never understood why children who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community are so maligned.  How can a parent have a child, love and support them, and then shut it off like a switch when the child comes out? These children especially need their parent’s acceptance, love and support since society does not always do that.  When our son came out to us, we felt honored that he trusted us to accept him as himself, and he didn’t need to keep it a secret. I honestly feel that we are the lucky ones, having one of our children who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community.  Not all parents are given this gift, and it is one that should be cherished.

From what I understand you started PocketPridePlus after your involvement with GayTalk 2.0 (click here for more info about the show) which you have a weekly segment on (Mama Kim’s Minute). How did all this come to be? How did you find GayTalk 2.0? Why did you get involved with them? And how did that lead to PocketPridePlus?

When my son came out, I immediately decided that I wanted to educate myself more about the LGBTQ+ community, and that is where I found, GayTalk 2.0.

I was hooked from the start, and although usually a pretty shy introvert, followed their request at the end of each show, and wrote a review.  Well, imagine my shock when the next week, they read it on air!  That is what started my weekly emails to the show, and then nearly daily emails about various articles I found.  Eventually that led them to decide to give me a weekly segment, Mama Kim’s Minute.  This podcast has taught me so much since I have been listening.  I learned about major things like, Stonewall, Conversion Therapy, and organizations such as, The Trevor Project (learn more here).  Each week, I learn something, and have added many books and music, to my library from individuals they have interviewed or discussed on the show.  The more I learned, the more I wanted to do for the community to let them know that I was there and supported them.  I made each of the guys on the show a quilted Pride wall hanging about six months after I started listening to the show.  That wall hanging is what led me to come up with the idea of, PocketPridePlus.  I wanted to do for others what I did for the guys on the show, but on a smaller, more affordable and easier to produce scale.

I have to ask, what does your son think of all this?

He is more reserved than I am, and perhaps sometimes wishes that I wasn’t quite so vocal!  He is happy for me and supportive in all that I am doing with my great passion for the community.  He did participate as did my husband in my GayTalk interview which is on episode 169 (find it here).  That interview, can give you all an even better insight into their, insights in their own words.

Something that you said in your bio really caught my attention, “That way, anytime someone reaches for their keys, they will feel proud of who they are, and be reminded that someone cares.” This quote is in reference to the key chains you make. Can you tell us why you said this? What is the thought behind the message?

I started quilting when my first son was born in the early nineties. I wanted to be able to have him wrap himself up in it, and feel like I was giving him a hug even when I wasn’t there.  Since then, over the years, I have made both of my boys, family, nieces, nephews, grandkids, etc. many quilts.   I love being able to give just a little bit of myself to others that they can hold on to and know that they are loved.  Unfortunately, with quilts, they are quite time consuming and expensive to make.  When I came up with the PocketPridePlus idea, I knew that mass producing quilts would be impractical, and that is when I came up with the idea of Pride keychains.  They would not take unduly long to make, they were useful, and affordable.  Best of all in making them, I can spread that, Mama Kim love and support to so many others.  Additionally, I committed to donating a portion of what I make form any sales to The Trevor Project.  I didn’t want to make money solely for myself.  I would not be where I am today if it were not for the LGBTQ+ community, and I wanted to give back to them.  I decided on the Trevor Project because they do so much for youth in the LGBTQ+ community who are rejected by others, even their own families and they have nowhere else to turn.

When you’re not working on PocketPridePlus and quilting, and finding articles for GayTalk 2.0 what else do you do? What do you do for your own selfcare?

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, watching Netflix, and walking or hiking with my corgi girl, Olive.

Other than your amazing pride key chains what else do you make and have on offer?

I also make Pride Coasters, Eyeglass Cases, Cell Phone Pouches, Masks which are normal style, and also masks with a brass straw hole which have a closable flap to cover it when not in use.

When it comes to PocketPridePlus what’s coming out next? Where do you see your shop going?

I am working on increasing my product line.  I would love to see PocketPridePlus making, seasonal holiday decorations, custom quilts, including baby quilts, wall hangings, and even wedding favors, all Pride related.  Another product I would also like to add are felted animals, Pride themed or not.  I will also be bringing some of my products to local Pride celebrations hopefully starting next year. The possibilities are endless as to what I would like to offer in my shop.  At this time I am building a website, and hope to have it up very soon.

Lastly, any final thoughts you want to share with everyone?

I would first of all like to thank you, M.D. Neu for giving me this space to tell my story. I also want to thank all of you readers who have taken the time to read my story.  I have so much enjoyed where this journey has taken me, all the friends I have made, and things I have learned.  I love thinking that I am making a difference in any way that I can, and look forward to where I will go from here.  I wish all of you the best, and Happy Pride all year long!


What an amazing woman. An inspiration for so many. Thank you, Kim, for taking the time to speak with us today. And I’m so thrilled to have gotten to know you better. I can’t wait to see what is coming up next for you and PocketPridePlus.

Looking to learn about another group of amazing people, check out my video interview with the gang over at The Afterlife. Find the interview here.

That’s all for this week Scribblers, check out PocketPridePlus, order a key chain, a lanyard, or a coaster or two. Also, don’t forget to check out her Etsy shop and website. Please follow PocketPridePlus on Instagram. Also, remember to drop me a heart/like letting me know you stopped by. If you want to help support PocketPridePlus and/or my writing efforts please consider sharing this post on your social media platforms to keep the conversation going. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

About Kim Crawford:


Kim Crawford, AKA Mama Kim works at a hardware store by day, and runs my business by night. At home, I devote most of that time to my, family, PocketPridePlus business, and searching for stories to educate myself, and send to GayTalk2.0, and reading.  I feel like I always need to be keeping busy with something.

I guess you could say that I was a navy “brat.” I was born in Pennsylvania, and am the youngest of three children.  We moved around a lot of course, and settled in California in the seventies but, I will always be an east coast girl at heart.

I have been married for 35 years, have two amazing sons, as well as two beautiful grandchildren. I live in the central coast of California with my husband and darling corgi named, Olive.

Where to Find PocketPridePlus:

Find her website here.

Find her on Etsy here.

Find her on Instagram here.