The Week Before Thanksgiving


It’s the week before Thanksgiving (for us here in the US) which at its end marks the start of the Christmas Season (which actually started back in October) and… ugh. I’m not feeling it this year. If I’m honest I don’t want any part of it. I don’t want to be bothered with Thanksgiving and I definitely don’t want to bother with Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the year I’ve had. I have so much to be thankful for and I don’t want to every sound ungrateful. Regardless, I’m not feeling any of it.

Could it be all the political crap still going on? How crappy people are treating each other, both on-line and in public? Possibly. There seems to be so much crap (this post is also a drinking game to see how many times I say the word ‘crap’) going on and despite all the encouraging things happening there is, sadly, so much negativity to go along with it. Why? This can’t be only me feeling this way? Can it?

Now, I realize that I’ll get out of my pre-holiday funk and things will turn around. In that vein, I want to share all the positive things that have happened for me this year:

  • I released my debut novel, The Calling.

  • I’ve received positive reviews for The Calling.

  • The Calling is in the top 150 Best Vampire Books by a new Author.

  • The Calling is in the top 100 Best Gay Vampire Books.

  • I’ve made great Author Friends this year.

  • I’ve gotten to know some wonderful fans who have been supportive of my writing.

  • My two short stories The Reunion and A Dragon for Christmas have done well and people seem to enjoy them.

  • After fourteen years, I finally got a new car. Yay!

  • The agency TV I worked on, Change Lives for Good, was a finalist for the CreaTV Awards.

  • Eric and I had a wonderful cruise to Mexico.

  • A New World – Contact was picked up by my publisher.

  • T.A.D. – The Angel of Death was picked up by my publisher.

  • We spent some amazing time with Family and Friends this year.

  • Eric and I had a fantastic week in Hawaii for my birthday.

  • We got our Bathroom remodeled.

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There has been a lot for me to be thankful for, even putting this list together has improved my mood, which is another thing I’m grateful for. I think, like many of us, this crap happening around me has bogged me down which has taken my focus off all the wonderful things that have happened and continue to happen all around me.

Maybe, that is something we all need to do. Keep a list of all the positive things that have happened to us and continue to happen to us and not let the crap steal the spotlight and take away our sunshine.

Thank you for allowing me a moment to whine and focus my thoughts. Reminding me that, yes, there is a lot a crap in the world, but overall things are good and life has provided me and my husband some wonderful moments. If you want to share some positive events your year has shown you I would love to read them. You can do it in the comments section below. The more we can focus on the good the better off I think we all will be. Remember, you can like and share this blog (or any of my blog posts below).

Until next time, have a great week Scribblers (oh, and, if you were counting I said ‘crap’ eight times).