Top Ten things about WE CRY THE SEA

Happy Wednesday everyone this week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Glenn Quigley who hails all the way from Northern Ireland. As many of you may remember I had Glen on a while ago to talk about his amazing novels the Moth and Moon and the sequel The Lion Lies Waiting, both are fantastic reads find the interview here and pick up the books here. Today he is here to share his Top Ten List for his new novel We Cry the Sea, The Moth and Moon, Book Three hitting bookshelves on March 15.


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Pirates! Something referenced during the first two books in the MOTH AND MOON series, pirates take centre stage in this book. In the real world, the golden age of piracy ended about sixty years before the events of my book but that’s the beauty of fiction writing — we get to craft whatever world we want. I don’t want to spoil what happens but it starts with a daring raid and escalates from there.

Love Triangle! A newcomer arrives in the village and sets his sights squarely on Duncan. Who’s the other man in Duncan’s life? You’ll have to wait to find out.

Pinch! One of the most fun aspects of wiring this story was expanding the role of Arminell Pinch. First seen in book one (The Moth and Moon) as an unnamed tavern girl, she has a much larger role in this book. We get to find out about her family connection to the Moth & Moon, too. (Her mother’s name is one of the best I’ve ever come up with!)

Vince! Robin’s hulking older brother arrives with a bang and makes a lasting impact. Exploring how a surly, sullen, violent ex-criminal fits into gentle island life was a ton of fun to write. Vince made his first appearance in book two (The Lion Lies Waiting) and as soon as he appeared on the page, almost fully-formed, I knew he’d have a larger role to play.

Skinny-dipping! Bathing suits weren’t a thing in the 18th century. Certainly not with men. And certainly not with budding lovers…

Swords! It wouldn’t be a pirate story without some swashbuckling action and a light dusting of swordplay. One sword in particular was a joy to design. Wait until you see how the pirate queen uses it…

Flags! Who doesn’t love a good pirate flag? There are three prominent flags in this story, all of which you can now buy on t-shirts by clicking here.

The skull and cogs is also used as the scene break icon in the print edition of WE CRY THE SEA. The Sea Bear (Pirate King) is the logo I designed a few years ago for my own website and I cannot tell you how happy I was I realised I could use it in this story!

Map! Most of the action in my books takes place on a fictional island called Merryapple and at long last, I’ve drawn a map of it. It will appear in the print edition of WE CRY THE SEA and will also be available on my website. I had some rough sketches to work with, from back when I was writing the first book, and I’ve always tried to remain consistent with landmarks on the island. I resisted making an official map because I didn’t want to be tied down in terms of what is and isn’t on the island but it felt like the right time for one now. I spent a lot of time working on it and to finally have the village and the whole island all laid out is a real thrill for me. There are some places on the map which haven’t shown up in the books yet, but may well do in future stories, and some nods to my family and friends.

Robin! I’d be remiss if I didn’t list burly gay fisherman Robin Shipp as one of my Top Ten! He’s the hero of my novels and the voice I’ve been listening to in my head since I started writing about him in 2017. A big, cuddly, loveable, well-meaning oaf, I absolutely love writing him. Knowing that some readers love him as much as I do means the world to me.

The Moth & Moon! The inn at the heart of these books. The place I want to visit more than any other. Exactly as big as the story needs it to be, exactly as welcoming as you want it to be, The Moth is a place unlike any other. Did you know the name came to me in a dream, years ago? I made a note of it because I was certain it would be useful someday. I had no idea how it would come to shape my life. The Moth’s story began in the year 1401 and for all we know, it’s still standing today. That’s a long life. That’s a lot of stories…


Thank you Glenn for coming over and chatting with us today. Check out Glenn’s new book available March 15th. Also find Glenn on social media and keep up to date with everything he is up to. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week. 

About Glenn Quigley:


Glenn Quigley is a graphic designer originally from Dublin and now living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. He creates bear designs for The Moody Bear (click here). He has been interested in writing since he was a child, as essay writing was the one and only thing he was ever any good at in school. When not writing or designing, he enjoys photography and watercolor painting.

Where to contact Glenn Quigley:

Find him on Twitter here.

Reach him on Facebook here.

Check out his website here.

Where to buy Glenn’s books:

Find them on Amazon here.

Get your copy from Ninestar Press here.
