The Fire of the White Blade Knights - The White Order#2 by Barbara Russell

Happy Wednesday Scribblers I hope you are all having a wonderful week.  I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, I’ve been taking a bit of a break trying to get recharged.  This week I’m pleased to share that my good friend and fellow author Barbara Russell has a new book out, it’s the second book in her White Order series.  Check it out:

Title: The Fire of the White Blade Knights - The White Order#2


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Second book of the White Order Series. Steamy paranormal romance set in Victorian London.

London, 1884

As a failed witch, Kaela isn’t the most experienced person to rescue her father from the Hierophant’s clutches. With her scarce magic strength and her weak spells, she needs help to infiltrate the mansion of one of the Hierophant’s minions where her father might be kept.

Yet, Étienne, fire warrior of the White Order, isn’t exactly the companion she expected. Cranky and impossible, he does his best to control her.

After eight hundred years of fighting sin-breathers, Étienne’s fire is almost out of control and the temptation to join the evil side is strong.  Kaela defying him at every turn doesn’t help. But he’s up to the challenge. 


Buy the book here:

About Barbara:

I'm an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Rings and fell in love with fantasy novels.

When I discovered cosy mystery, I fell in love with Hercules Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I'm joking. Don't grow up, folks! It's a trap.

Find Barbara here:




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Landing page:

Remember to like this post below and if you have any readers in your life please consider sharing this post with them. I can assure you this is an excellent continuation to the series. Got any questions leave them below in the comments section. Until next time have a great week. 

The Pact of the White Blade Knights

Welcome Scribblers. This week I welcome back fellow author Barbara Russell to share her latest novel The Pact of the White Blade Knights. Barbara is an amazing friend and an incredible author from New Zealand. I couldn’t be more pleased to have her back.

Before we learn more about her new book I thought I would have her tell us about a day in the life of Barbara as a writer. And here is what her typical day looks like:

I wake up before 5 am. Yep, it’s not a typo. It’s really 5. I’m an early bird, and the earlier I wake up, the more time I have to write.

After a very quick breakfast, I take the dogs out for their morning walk which usually includes: chasing cats around the neighborhood, fighting against other dogs, and getting soaked in the rain if it’s winter.

Then I change and jump on my bike to go to work while trying to not get killed by morning drivers text-driving (I don’t understand those people), SUVs invading the cycle lane, or simply drivers showing how little they like bikers.

I do my hours at work *whispering* when I can I sneak a peek to my Facebook account to share or like a few posts.

When I get home, I have all the cooking and housework to do. Not fun. There’s a reason why it’s called housework and not house-fun. I take the dogs out for their afternoon walk and feed them before they attack me. If I’m lucky, I have 2-3 hours to dedicate to writing and do some promotion if the dogs don’t feel sick (too gross to talk about it) or something else doesn’t come up (exploding pipes, blocked drains, broken boiler etc…). Then I collapse on the bed to read before asleep.

Now what I didn’t mention is that while I’m doing all these things, I’m plotting, thinking about writing, and rehashing dialog in my head. It speeds things up. So when I sit down to write, I’m faster.

I might be in a meeting, nodding at the right places (hopefully) but I’m really thinking about why my villain is doing what he/she is doing.

It’s like having a double life, and to be honest I often wonder why I do all this. The answer is always the same though. I just like writing. Promoting? Not so much.

I had to learn (still learning) stuff about promoting my books, but it feels like someone told me to learn to do brain surgery in a matter of weeks. Not my thing.

And that’s pretty much it.

Sounds like a long day, but I’m glad to see that you get time to write each day, I’m jealous, of course I’m not willing to get up at 5am to make it happen. I need all the beauty sleep I can get. Now on to Barbara’s newest novel The Pact of the White Blade Knights. Remember, you can always leave questions below I always respond to your questions and comments and I invite my guest back to respond as well. As always, don’t forget to share and like this post. Until next time have a great week.

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The Pact of the White Blade Knights Blurb:

London, 1884.

While other twenty-seven-year-old, middle-class women think about rearing children and attending dinner parties, Hazel finds herself unmarried and unemployed.

The stuffy barons of the Royal Archaeologic Society don’t believe a woman can be an archaeologist, so they gave her the sack. Having slapped the leader of the society when he groped her breasts might have something to do with losing her job.

With bills to pay and a stomach to fill, she accepts a position as dealer in ancient artefacts. It’d be her dream job except that her new employer, Tyon Sancerre, has more secrets than an Egyptian tomb and is probably involved with the Whitechapel’s mob.

When he says he needs her to find his long-lost fellow crusader knights, she thinks he’s mad, a rich, handsome, but mad man.

Tyon claims to be a sin-eater, a human turned into an immortal to clean people’s souls from their sins. After he and the other sin-eaters—the knights of the White Blade—were cursed, they were separated and scattered around the world. Alone the sin-eaters don’t hold much power, and with their enemies—the sin-breathers—multiplying and causing wars and famine, the only way Tyon has to find his brothers is through a relic Hazel worked with at the museum.

It’s all poppycock, that’s what she says. But when sin-breathers attack them, a ghost appears to her, and she witnesses wounds healing themselves in a moment, she wonders if her beliefs need to be reconsidered.

And the worst thing? She’s falling in love with an immortal, cranky, too-many-centuries-year-old white knight.

Find it on Amazon here.

About Barabara Russell:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Rings and fell in love with fantasy novels. 

When I discovered the cosy mystery, I fell in love with Hercules Poirotand Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I’m joking. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap. 

Where to Find Barbara:

Email her here:

Find her on Bookbub:

Check her out on Twitter: @brussell84Kiwi

She can be found in two locations on Facebook:

Here is her author page on Amazon:

Her Blog:

All-author page is here:


Landing page:

Interview with Barbara Russell

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. It’s been a while since we’ve done an Author Interview. This week I’m thrilled to bring back my good friend and one heck of an amazing author Barbara Russell.  Barbara lives in New Zealand, has a wonderful sense of humor, and writers some of the best Steampunk and Young Adult stories I’ve ever read.

It's been quite some time since you've been on my Scribbles Page, what are you up to these days?

Thanks Marvin for having me! It’s always a pleasure to chat with you.

From a not-writing-related point of view, I’ve started a new job quite close to where I live (only 5 Km). So I thought, I’d cycle to work! Active transport, zero emissions, exercise . . . what more can I ask for? Yeah, well people try to kill me twice a day, lol, even when I cycle in the cycle lane. Not fun.

Tell us about your newest project?

Right now, I’m working on a gas lamp series (a fancy way to call a paranormal story set in the Victoria Era, haha). I don’t know why I’m obsessed with the Victorian period. I tried to write this gas lamp story setting it in modern times and after 5 pages I though, Nah. It’s not working . . . Besides, I kept writing “carriage” instead of car, so there you go.

Since becoming published what are you most proud of? What are you most excited about?

I’ll be totally honest. I actually was more proud before I got published. The more I keep publishing the more I’m convinced that I really suck as writer, lol. It’s easy to be proud of something when it’s a secret, when I wrote only for me. But once the stuff goes out into the wild world, well, it’s like looking at yourself in the mirror. It’s not always nice.

You currently have 14 different works, I've got to know, how are you doing it?

I don’t know, haha. Writing is just part of my daily routine. I write every day, no matter what, but it’s not something I’d recommend. It means spending a lot of time alone, probably alienating friends and relatives. It’s hard to find a balance between writing and personal social life.

What have you enjoyed the most about the writing process and sharing your stories?

I just love writing and editing. It’s like stepping into another world. Sharing . . . hmm . . . I have mixed feelings about it. I understand it’s impossible to make everyone happy, but I’d love to, haha.

What kind of story would you love to write, but haven't?

Oh, I love this question. I have this idea about four teen-agers who have a rock band and travel back in time to England in the 60s. Alone and without a mean to make a living, they decide to ear money by playing the Beatles’ songs, basically stealing the songs before the Beatles write them. They become famous of course, again stealing the Beatles’ fame and fortune. 

I didn’t have time to write it yet.

What can we see coming out from you next?

I hope to release the first book of my gas lamp series soon, maybe in October.

Thanks for asking!

As always it was such a thrill to have you here on my Scribbles page. I love the idea of band going back in time, so I hope you find the time to write it. I’m sure it would be a blast. I also want to mention that Barabara has a new novel out called: Her Flame-Auckland Steampunk First Class#1 you can find out more below. Do you have any questions for Barbara? Leave them in the coments below. Until next time have a great week.

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About Barbara’s Newest Novel:

Her Flame—Auckland Steampunk First Class#1

The only thing twenty-two-year-old Bridie wants is freedom. Freedom to travel the world, do as she likes, and make her own decisions. Marriage? Finding a man? No, thank you. Besides, she’s a Supernatural, able to remember everything she reads, hears, or sees—a skill she can use to find an adventurous job.

But she doesn’t know that six years ago, her father secretly married her to Lord Aurelius Steward. A few papers, her father’s signature, and Bridie became Mrs Steward. 

So when Aurelius asks her to leave with him for a trip, she wishes him bon voyage. Except that, the trip is actually a secret mission to stop a terrorist attack on the next Technological Exhibition of Auckland.

Gifted with unnatural strength, Aurelius is part of the Military Intelligence Seventh Division, and to prevent the attack, he needs Bridie and her superpower.

She accepts. Adventures, travels, and a gorgeous man—what could a girl want more? 



ARC copies on BookSprout:

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About Barabara Russell:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Rings and fell in love with fantasy novels. 

When I discovered the cosy mystery, I fell in love with Hercules Poirotand Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I’m joking. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap. 


Where to Find Barbara:

Email her here:

Find her on Bookbub:

Check her out on Twitter: @brussell84Kiwi

She can be found in two locations on Facebook:

Here is her author page on Amazon:

Her Blog:

All-author page is here:


Landing page:

A Knight in Distress – Interview with Barbara Russell

Welcome to another Author Interview this week. One of the things I wanted to do more of this year is bring you amazing writers you might not know about and today I’m pleased to bring you fellow author Barabara Russell she is a fantastic author and a wonderful friend. Let’s get into it shall we.

Welcome Barbara.

Thank you, Marvin for having me. I’m really excited to have a chat with you.

It’s my pleasure. People can read your full bio at the end of this chat, so why don’t you tell us a little about yourself and your writing? Tell us something not in your bio.

I spend most my time working with a microscope in a lab with air conditioning set too low, haha. Even in summer, it’s freezing. Anyway, I have plenty of time to plot and think about my character while I’m observing ultra magnified soil samples. This speeds up writing. Sort of.

Soil samples speeding up your writing. Really? Okay, sure, so what got you involved in writing? Why did you pick Young Adults as your genre of choice?

I was six when I read a collection of Norwegian fairy tales (I can’t remember how or why it was in my home), but I thought, ‘wow! I want to write story.’ I like YA as genre because I can add funny stuff, more than in adult novels, and I’m a sucker for stories that make me laugh. I prefer funny stories to sad stories.

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And A Knight in Distress has some fantastic fun moments that actually had me laughing out loud, but I won’t give anything away here. Why don’t you tell us about A Knight in Distress.

It’s the story of a young knight in training who’s quested with saving a princess from a bad wizard. Only, he ends up being rescued by the princess.

I love that you mixed things up in this story that you had the Princess be the hero and the Knight needing to be rescued, but you didn’t do it in a cheesy way. You really wove it into the story and it all makes sense. I also, like that they had to work together and you showed what a challenge that was because of the generally believed in norms. All that to ask, how did you manage it all? How did you not get caught in cliché?

Er… ahem, actually, I think there are a lot of clichés in the story, haha. The trick is—at least what I meant to do—to turn them into something funny. Basically, when in doubt, add something funny. That’s my rule.

And it worked and worked well. I thought it was brilliant. Now I’ve got to ask, who is your favorite character? I know there are so many to pick from but do you have one? If so can you share?

Ah, I think it’s Snitch, the bird that can hear and repeat people’s thoughts. It gave me the opportunity to add more funny scenes (see previous answer, lol.)

He was good. I liked him a lot and felt you did a great job using him to lighten some of the books moments. Will there be a sequel to the story or is this going to be a stand alone?

There will be a sequel. I’ve already sent to my publisher. Thanks for asking.

Really! I can’t wait. That is amazing. I’m so happy for you. You’ll have to let me know when it comes out so I can pick up a copy.

Of course.

When you’re not writing and reading what do you enjoy doing?

Walking my dogs, which actually means running along the pavements chasing my neighbour’s cat, or any other cat of the quarter. Oh, cats and possums of course.

That sounds lovely, well not the bring dragged by the dogs, but being out with them and enjoying. What’s coming up next? What other books do you have out that we need to check out?

I have a book coming out at the end of January with Black Rose Writing—Mummy Dearest, A Pharaonic Adventure—a middle grade fantasy set in Auckland. And another novel coming out on February—The Heart Collector, my first adult novel. It’s a romantic suspense with a steampunk setting.

Even though it’s not out yet. I can you all Mummy Dearest, A Pharaonic Adventure is fantastic. I loved it. And the Heart Collector will be added to my list the minute it’s out. I can’t wait.

Anything else you want to share with us?

Yes, since you’re asking. To those people who don’t read books for whatever reason, please, don’t say “I don’t like reading” out loud. Every time you say that, somewhere in the world, a writer gets writer’s block.

So, that’s how it works. I’ve often wondered about that. Thank you for clearing that up for me and thank you for being here.

Thanks for having me!

Of course, you are always welcome to swing by and chat. Well Scribblers that is all for this week. I have you have a great week and we’ll see you next time. If you’d like to read my review of A Knight in Distress you can find it here.

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About A Knight in Distress:

Knights are supposed to rescue damsels. That’s the natural order. So when Nathair, a knight in training, finds himself rescued by the princess he’s supposed to save, he’s annoyed. And when the princess proves she can fight like a knight? Well, that’s enough for a boy to think about a career change.

Buy it on Amazon UK here.

Buy it on Amazon here.

Buy it on Barnes & Noble here.

About Barbara Russell:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. Nature and books have always been my passion. I was a kid when I read Ivanhoe by Sir W. Scott and fell in love with medieval novels. Then I discovered medieval fantasy, and I fell in love again. In fact, I took it too seriously and believed that my elderly, bearded neighbor was Merlin and his black cat was Morgan le Fey. When I read Harry Potter and learned about Animagi, I knew I was right. Then I grew up and… nah, I’m joking. I didn’t grow up. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap.

Contact Barbara Russell:

Find her on Twitter here.

Find her on Facebook here.

Check out her website here.

See her Amazon Author Page here.

A New World-Contact has Arrived

Happy 2019. I hope you are all having a wonderful new year. Can you believe we are already almost to the end of January? Wow!

This week A New World-Contact has arrived, and it’s already gotten some amazing reviews. Check them out here on Goodreads and here on Amazon. It’s incredible and I couldn’t be more thrilled. As I mentioned last week, I have a lot of virtual and personal engagements planned for the next several months. You can click here for all the details I shared last week.

I wanted to share what is coming up next. Well, A New World-Conviction will be released on March 11, 2019 so you won’t have to wait long for the next book. Find our more about it here. Also, coming out on June 24, 2019 I have my urban fantasy T.A.D.-The Angel of Death. Learn more about TAD here. It will be a busy few months, but I’m excited and it is my hope you will enjoy what I have in store.

I haven’t forgotten about The Calling-Book Two, which has the working title of The Called. I’m getting the first draft finished and as promised this will be the last book of the series, but you never know what other stories will come out of this universe.

Also, regarding my A New World series book three Conspiracy is finished and working through Beta reads right now.

Those are all the current updates I have right now. Next week I’m honored to bring to my Scribble Page author Barbara Russell (find out more about Barbara here), she will talk to us about her current and upcoming books which I can assure you are great reads.

If you have questions please share them in the comments section below. If you want to help me out, please share my website with your friends and family especially if you know anyone who loves Paranormal writing or Sci Fi books remember to recommend me. The other way you can help me out is to leave a review of my books. Reviews really make a difference. Check out Amazon reviews here.

Until next time have a great week.

A Knight in Distress – Book Announcement

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. Today I’m excited to share a new book with you. The book comes from fellow author and writing buddy Barbara Russell. I’ve had the pleasure and reading several of Barabar’s books and could not recommend A Knight in Distress more highly. I plan on having Barbara over for a chat, but I wanted to provide you with this announcement today. Even though I’m not including a review at this time I’ve read the novel and A knight in Distress is amazing and is a total must buy.


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Knights are supposed to rescue damsels. That’s the natural order. So when seventeen-year-old Nathair, a Briton knight in training, finds himself rescued by the princess he should have saved, he’s annoyed.

By saving Princess Bryhannon from the warlord Torgall, Nathair hoped that his dreams of becoming a knight, paying off his family’s debts, and overcoming the stigma of his russet skin would come true. Now that he’s failed, he must find another way to fulfil his desires.

Bryhannon is a Morrigan: a witch blessed with the power of the raven goddesses of war. To Bryhannon, it feels more like a curse. With magic this strong, she has a difficult time hiding her abilities. If the wizards discover who she is, they’ll kill her for women are forbidden to use magic or weapons, and she is good at both. Her only hope is to find the Rache: a magical artefact, which will gain her the protection of the infamous Raven Coven of Tintagel.

While in Torgall’s land, Nathair and Bryhannon discover his plan. Torgall wants to steal the animax—the fuel powering the automatons that have replaced the round table knights of New Camelot—and sell it to the enemy.

Before Bryhannon can seek safety in the Raven Coven, and Nathair can prove he deserves to be a knight, they must prevent Torgall from stealing the animax, or the enemy will use the animax to fuel an army of clockwork knights ready to invade the land of the Britons.

Where to Buy:

Amazon – Click here

Champagne Book Group – Click here



Nathair hadn’t planned to end his last day at Sir Lancelot’s Academy for Knights getting caught cheating on his final examination. Especially since the cheating had been a misunderstanding. The incriminating piece of parchment was still in his best friend’s extended hand. General Baldwin loomed over Nathair in his emerald uniform, one eyebrow arched in disappointment.

“Sir, I wasn’t—” Nathair started, standing at his desk.

“Don’t even try, Locksbay.” General Baldwin held up a hand to silence him. “The situation is clear enough. I’ve caught your friend Tristan red-handed passing you that piece of paper with the correct Numeracy answers. Cheating is not only against the academy rules, but the Knights’ Honor Code as well.”

Ouch. That hurts. Nathair wasn’t a cheater. He was an average student maybe, but never a cheater. He bit down the remark and ignored his fellow cadets whispering and giggling behind his back. They leaned forward on their wooden desks, heads turning from him to the general like in a game of stool-ball. Many cadets would enjoy seeing the only russet-skinned boy at the academy being publicly scolded.

Tristan of Greystone stood and bowed to the general. His blond hair swished about his shoulders. “General Baldwin, it’s my fault. It was my idea to help Nathair. I knew he needed help with Numeracy, and I thought to pass him the answers. He didn’t ask me anything.”

That was true, and swyve. Tristan excelled at many things—he was the academy’s top cadet—but persuading people was his most honed skill. His confident tone, reassuring smile, and bright blue eyes could soothe the most inveterate criminal into turning himself in.

General Baldwin waved a dismissive hand. “You can sit down, Greystone, and keep going with your examination, but I’ll take fifty points off your final score for breaking the rules.”

Tristan did as told, casting an apologetic glance at Nathair.

General Baldwin took Nathair’s test and scanned it. “Let’s see why you wanted Greystone’s intervention.”

When his gray eyebrows shot up, Nathair smelled trouble. He didn’t need the mind-reading power of the mind-wrens to guess what the general was thinking. The bell echoed in the high-vaulted ceiling of the

Training Hall, and Nathair exhaled. Chairs scraped back against the wooden floor.

Now he was done for.

“Locksbay,” General Baldwin’s voice sounded stern, “…follow me to my office.”

“Of course, sir.” He collected his quill, parchments, and ink bottle and stuffed them in his bag.

“Sorry,” Tristan whispered. “I’ll wait for you here.”

With heavy feet, Nathair followed the man who might expel him. He swallowed hard, thinking about his mentor. What would Ewhen say when he heard about this? Nathair shuffled behind the general along the Champions’ Corridor lined with famous knights’ suits of armor. They headed to the eastern tower of the castle toward the mechanical winch.

Before entering the narrow cabin that would lift him up to the third floor, Nathair hesitated. Traveling suspended by an iron cable wasn’t his idea of a safe trip. In comparison, the clockwork stairs, despite the grinding noise of the steps winding up, seemed safer. Nathair stepped inside the cabin and shoved his hands in his blue cloak pockets, while the winch coiled up with a grinding of metal against stone. From a gap between two metal plates, he caught a glimpse of rotating wheels and pumping pistons.

Once at the landing, Nathair trudged toward General Baldwin’s office. The oak door closed behind them with a thud. The room had four floor-to-ceiling windows, a high-vaulted ceiling, and a fireplace that resembled a dragon’s open jaw. Despite the size of the room, Nathair’s chest constricted. He breathed in the familiar smell. The musty scent of old parchments mingled with that of the armchairs’ worn leather.

“Sit.” General Baldwin sat on his throne-like chair.

Nathair groaned and dropped down onto one of the stuffed chairs. No chance this would be quick.

General Baldwin scanned Nathair’s test, his eyes darting up and down. “You have twenty-five points. It’s not good enough, but it’s not an excuse to cheat either.”

He didn’t reply. He’d rather take the blame than involve Tristan. Besides, telling the truth wouldn’t change his score.

General Baldwin drummed his fingers on the desk. “What happened? You were a good student. Not the finest, but decent. This,” he gestured at the paper, “is not what I’d have expected from you, and I’m not talking about today’s examination.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a leather folder fat with parchments. He unfastened the string and spread them out.

Nathair gripped the armrests.

“I had a look at your tests and assignments, and I’m very disappointed.” General Baldwin flipped through the stack of papers. “In your last Wildlife and Wild-flora test you scored an Insufficient, same thing with Music and Courteous Conversation.”

He shook his head. A sickening lump crawled into his stomach. Please, anything but Poetry.

“For example, Poetry.” As General Baldwin read, his frown deepened. “Dame Puddifoot wrote only one word about your poetic skills: hopeless. What is your obsession with cats? Cats are all over your poems. You must love them.”

Hardly. Cat rhymed with everything: fat, hat, sat, bat, mat—the possibilities were endless.

“And I see no extracurricular skills or activities.” He stared at Nathair.

He wiped his hands on the trousers of his uniform and pulled back a curled strand of his chestnut hair. Call it a hunch but breaking into Lady Guinevere’s Damsels Academy using nothing but two knives probably wasn’t an extracurricular skill the general would be interested in, but then someone had to release those greasy pigs into Lady Guinevere’s dormitory. Last week, the ladies had filled the cadets’ quivers with honey. It was only sensible that the cadets returned the favor, and Tristan needed help to sneak into the rooms of his many girlfriends.

About Barbara Russell:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. Nature and books have always been my passion. I was a kid when I read Ivanhoe by Sir W. Scott and fell in love with medieval novels. Then I discovered medieval fantasy, and I fell in love again. In fact, I took it too seriously and believed that my elderly, bearded neighbor was Merlin and his black cat was Morgan le Fey. When I read Harry Potter and learned about Animagi, I knew I was right. Then I grew up and… nah, I’m joking. I didn’t grow up. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap.

PS I hate gardening. There, I said it. Sorry fellow Kiwis.

Where to find Barbara:

Find her on Twitter here.

Find her on Facebook here and here.

Find her website here.

Find her blog here.

Find her on Amazon here.