Interview with Barbara Russell

Happy Wednesday Scribblers. It’s been a while since we’ve done an Author Interview. This week I’m thrilled to bring back my good friend and one heck of an amazing author Barbara Russell.  Barbara lives in New Zealand, has a wonderful sense of humor, and writers some of the best Steampunk and Young Adult stories I’ve ever read.

It's been quite some time since you've been on my Scribbles Page, what are you up to these days?

Thanks Marvin for having me! It’s always a pleasure to chat with you.

From a not-writing-related point of view, I’ve started a new job quite close to where I live (only 5 Km). So I thought, I’d cycle to work! Active transport, zero emissions, exercise . . . what more can I ask for? Yeah, well people try to kill me twice a day, lol, even when I cycle in the cycle lane. Not fun.

Tell us about your newest project?

Right now, I’m working on a gas lamp series (a fancy way to call a paranormal story set in the Victoria Era, haha). I don’t know why I’m obsessed with the Victorian period. I tried to write this gas lamp story setting it in modern times and after 5 pages I though, Nah. It’s not working . . . Besides, I kept writing “carriage” instead of car, so there you go.

Since becoming published what are you most proud of? What are you most excited about?

I’ll be totally honest. I actually was more proud before I got published. The more I keep publishing the more I’m convinced that I really suck as writer, lol. It’s easy to be proud of something when it’s a secret, when I wrote only for me. But once the stuff goes out into the wild world, well, it’s like looking at yourself in the mirror. It’s not always nice.

You currently have 14 different works, I've got to know, how are you doing it?

I don’t know, haha. Writing is just part of my daily routine. I write every day, no matter what, but it’s not something I’d recommend. It means spending a lot of time alone, probably alienating friends and relatives. It’s hard to find a balance between writing and personal social life.

What have you enjoyed the most about the writing process and sharing your stories?

I just love writing and editing. It’s like stepping into another world. Sharing . . . hmm . . . I have mixed feelings about it. I understand it’s impossible to make everyone happy, but I’d love to, haha.

What kind of story would you love to write, but haven't?

Oh, I love this question. I have this idea about four teen-agers who have a rock band and travel back in time to England in the 60s. Alone and without a mean to make a living, they decide to ear money by playing the Beatles’ songs, basically stealing the songs before the Beatles write them. They become famous of course, again stealing the Beatles’ fame and fortune. 

I didn’t have time to write it yet.

What can we see coming out from you next?

I hope to release the first book of my gas lamp series soon, maybe in October.

Thanks for asking!

As always it was such a thrill to have you here on my Scribbles page. I love the idea of band going back in time, so I hope you find the time to write it. I’m sure it would be a blast. I also want to mention that Barabara has a new novel out called: Her Flame-Auckland Steampunk First Class#1 you can find out more below. Do you have any questions for Barbara? Leave them in the coments below. Until next time have a great week.

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About Barbara’s Newest Novel:

Her Flame—Auckland Steampunk First Class#1

The only thing twenty-two-year-old Bridie wants is freedom. Freedom to travel the world, do as she likes, and make her own decisions. Marriage? Finding a man? No, thank you. Besides, she’s a Supernatural, able to remember everything she reads, hears, or sees—a skill she can use to find an adventurous job.

But she doesn’t know that six years ago, her father secretly married her to Lord Aurelius Steward. A few papers, her father’s signature, and Bridie became Mrs Steward. 

So when Aurelius asks her to leave with him for a trip, she wishes him bon voyage. Except that, the trip is actually a secret mission to stop a terrorist attack on the next Technological Exhibition of Auckland.

Gifted with unnatural strength, Aurelius is part of the Military Intelligence Seventh Division, and to prevent the attack, he needs Bridie and her superpower.

She accepts. Adventures, travels, and a gorgeous man—what could a girl want more? 



ARC copies on BookSprout:

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About Barabara Russell:

I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Rings and fell in love with fantasy novels. 

When I discovered the cosy mystery, I fell in love with Hercules Poirotand Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I’m joking. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap. 


Where to Find Barbara:

Email her here:

Find her on Bookbub:

Check her out on Twitter: @brussell84Kiwi

She can be found in two locations on Facebook:

Here is her author page on Amazon:

Her Blog:

All-author page is here:


Landing page: